Economic DevelopmentResearch and Case Studies

Analysis Of Community-Driven Development In Nigeria’s Niger Delta Region

The Models of Development and Experiential Learning study is a collaborative effort between AGI, PIND and NISER. This first pilot case study of the Models of Development and Experiential Learning (MODEL) project evaluates the factors that contributed to the success of the Akassa Development Foundation (ADF), a bottom-up, community driven…

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GenderResearch and Case Studies

Identification and Analysis of Traditional Gender Norm and their Impacts on Equitable Socioeconomic Development

The household is a basic unit of society where men and women both cooperate and compete for resources. It is also a primary place where they confront and reproduce societal norms, values, power, and privileges. Under increasing economic pressure, men in many parts of the world have lost their traditional…

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Economic DevelopmentResearch and Case Studies

Technical Skills Mapping for Accelerated Technology-Based Socioeconomic Development

PIND commissioned a study to map technical skills requirements for technologically driven development programme for the Niger Delta region. This study underscores the importance of Science and Technology for development, the policies that can maximize its benefits at the region level, and the strategic approaches that development partners can adopt…

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