Capacity Building as one of PIND’s key enablers is positioned to strengthen institutional and technical capacity of networks, organizations, and Business associations, service providers and individuals working with PIND’s Economic Development and Peace Building Programs.

The Capacity Building portfolio of PIND provides organizational development and institutional strengthening assistance to a wide range of stakeholders (Government, BMOs, CSOs, Communities and service providers), to enhance their ability to engage and deliver on their objectives and also to increase opportunities for diversifying resources and addressing prioritized needs of Niger Delta communities in an accountable, participatory and sustainable way. The ultimate objective is to facilitate enabling environment for Peace and inclusive socio-economic growth in the Niger Delta.

Over the last five years, the CBP used three projects as vehicles to achieve its objectives: the local governance, Leadership, Empowerment, Advocacy and Development (LEAD project, 2013 to 2016), the Civil Society Strengthening, Strengthening Advocacy and Civic Engagement (SACE project, 2014 to 2019) both in partnership with USAID and the Capacity Building for Local Empowerment (CAPABLE project, since 2012).

  • To strengthen capacity of government, civil society, including business associations and service providers, for effective socio-economic engagement, inclusive governance for growth and peaceful co-existence in the Niger Delta.

  • Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) of Regional Development Committees.
  • Measuring the position and progress of the RDCs and opportunity for the development of action plans.
  • Provide a basis for support in the next five years from 2020 – 2024.

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