Economic DevelopmentPIND Palm Oil ProjectResearch and Case Studies

Palm Oil Value Chain Analysis

PIND’s third value chain analysis examined the Palm Oil sector. Nigeria was the world’s leading producer and exporter in the 1960s, however, since then the country has fallen to being a net importer to meet growing domestic demand, especially for higher quality oils and fractions. The value chain study concluded…

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Economic DevelopmentPIND Business Linkages ProjectResearch and Case Studies MSME Warri

PIND Final Report on MSME in Warri

The Warri area experienced a mass exodus of businesses following the ethnically charged Warri Crisis of the 1990s and the heightened security measures of oil companies. In recent years, the economy has revitalized with a noticeably vibrant informal sector, constant construction activities, and an increasing number of residents. Development of…

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