Sombreiro Kapital (SK)

SOMBREIRO KAPITAL (SK) PROJECTPROJECT OVERVIEW: Established as a corporate enterprise to facilitate access to finance innovations for smallholder farmers in the Niger Delta, PIND has focused effort in 2020 to test and evidence the viability of the Sombreiro Kapital’s proposed model and products in the pilot sectors and States: Aquaculture, Palm Oil Processing and Poultry…

Youth Employment Pathways (YEP)

YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PATHWAYS (YEP) PROJECTPROJECT OVERVIEW: Niger Delta Youth Employment Pathways (NDYEP) began in 2018 to develop models of youth training in which marginalized young people are trained in market-relevant skills and subsequently supported into sustainable jobs or enterprise. The NDYEP is a two-year collaboration between Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND)…

Cocoa Value Chain

COCOA VALUE CHAIN PROJECTPROJECT OVERVIEW: Great opportunities exist in the Nigerian cocoa sector but persistent low productivity, absence of institutional control and administrative inefficiencies in the sector are resulting in low profitability for farmers. As a result of poor quality, Nigerian cocoa beans are being sold at a discount price in the international market, resulting in…

Market Systems Development

MARKET SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENTPROJECT OVERVIEW: PIND’s Market Systems Development project supports farmers and small enterprises in key agricultural sectors in the Niger Delta to improve their productivity, leading to an increase in income and reduction of poverty. The primary objective is to identify channels and prioritize the linkages between growth opportunities in agriculture and youth unemployment…

Access to Energy

ACCESS TO ENERGY PROJECTPROJECT OVERVIEW: Access-to-Energy component is explicitly designed to have a positive human development impact, creating economic and livelihood benefits. It explores emerging opportunities around clean energy from renewable sources as an economic enabler and development priority. It is underpinned by a philosophy that new ideas and models on decentralized renewable energy technologies…