Over the years, The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) has been at the forefront of empowering farmers, reaching out to more than 989,825 farmers & micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the Niger Delta region with essential knowledge on best practices and technological advancements in agriculture.
In line with our commitment to sustainable development and farmer resilience, we proudly introduce our latest initiative: climate-smart Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) manuals. These manuals cover a range of agricultural value chains, including aquaculture, cocoa, cassava, poultry, and oil palm.
These manuals are tailored to equip farmers with practical and innovative techniques, enhance agricultural sustainability, and promote climate resilience.
Explore the Following sections for an overview of our climate-smart GAP training manuals tailored to each value chain;
- Training Manual On Climate Smart Poultry Practices (Download Manual) Training Manual On Climate Smart Poultry Practices (339 downloads )
- Improved Agronomic Practices For Sustainable High Yield of Cassava (Download Manual) Improved Agronomic Practices For Sustainable High Yield of Cassava (365 downloads )
- Climate-Smart Sustainable Fishing Practices (Download Manual) Climate-Smart Sustainable Fishing Practices (366 downloads )
- Climate-Smart Best Practices For Increasing Yield And Profitability In Oil Palm Farms (Download Manual) Climate-Smart Best Practices For Increasing Yield And Profitability In Oil Palm Farms (161 downloads )
Good afternoon.
I really appreciate all your efforts and the Lord will give you more strength to do more,
But you need to take your program to the people who really need it’ especially in the area of agriculture.
Also in area of age limit.
Thank you for your kind words and valuable feedback.