Vulnerable Groups Assessment and Gender Analysis of Human Trafficking High Risk Communities in Edo State

the Market Development commissioned this assessment for the Niger Delta (MADE). The objectives of the assessment are to conduct a deeper assessment of vulnerable groups in Edo State beyond factors identified in the two earlier studies.   Loading… Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab   DOWNLOAD Vulnerable Groups Assessment and Gender…

Using Market Systems Development Approach to Stimulate Livelihood Opportunities and Reduce Human Trafficking in Edo State

Trafficking in human beings, a form of modern-day slavery, involves the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain, and is a $150 billion global industry generated by forced economic exploitation of people for commercial sex, domestic work, or other economic activity. It is the result of forced economic exploitation of people for commercial…

Socio-Economic Survey of Potential target Demographics for Human Trafficking and Livelihood Opportunities (Phase II)

The main goal of this survey is to determine the socio-economic dimensions of human trafficking and modern day slavery, and explore livelihood opportunities with potential target demographics of human trafficking in Edo State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: determine socio-economic characteristics and dimensions of existing trafficked individuals and of their families; understand the perception…

Report of Assessment of Baseline Socio Economic Data in Endemic Areas of Trafficking in Edo State

This assessment exercise was commissioned by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to carry out a preliminary assessment of social resources available in endemic areas for trafficking in Edo State. The report is to be used as one of the assessment tools for proposed community- based micro projects to be supported under the Counter Trafficking…

MADE Business Case

the concentration of oil industries in the region has created wage and commodities inflation, raising the cost of living and intensifying the experience of poverty among the poor. Overall, the levels and intensity of poverty are high, leading to strong feelings of injustice (given the wealth which the region generates from oil), and this has…

MADE Business Case Economic Appraisal

The Niger Delta has recently come out of more than a decade of insurrection, characterized by conflict with the government as well as conflict among the local ethnic groups trying to access greater benefits from the oil resources in the region. This conflict restricted the investment by outside businesses in the region and limited most…