
Teslim Giwa

Access to Energy Manager


Teslim is a certificated Energy Efficiency and Renewables expert under the European Energy Centre (EEC) Galileo project and also part of a growing collective of professionals working towards promoting environmental sustainability in Nigeria. His background training is in Architecture and he received his PhD from the University of Sheffield with specialisations in built environment sustainability. He was a Global sustainability fellow at the IASS Potsdam, as well as the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research. Teslim was also a NUC LEADS Research fellow at the University of Ilorin where his teaching and research revolved around the influences of development and infrastructure on the environment, as well as the connection between these and more serious Climate Change concerns. His work and research praxis advocates sustainable green practices and
appropriate technology pathways, and these are being realized through projects which can foster low Carbon development paradigms.