Learning Paper on Delivery Strategies for MSD Commercial Extension and Cofacilitators
Given the relative novelty of the MSD approach, there has been an increasing call by new practitioners for information about delivery strategies of the MSD…
Given the relative novelty of the MSD approach, there has been an increasing call by new practitioners for information about delivery strategies of the MSD…
Livestock production accounts for about 6% of Gross Domestic Product1. Chicken and small ruminants (sheep and goat) form an important economic and ecological function in…
A major constraint for small-scale poultry farmers in the rural areas of the Niger Delta is the periodic outbreak of Newcastle Disease (NCD) and other…
Palm oil production in Nigeria is largely concentrated in the Niger Delta region, with smallholders accounting for about 80% of the production. Over a million…
Nigeria boasts Africa’s largest economy by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and at close to 200 million people hosts the largest population in Africa. However, at…
Market Development in Niger Delta (MADE) was a DFID funded programme which raised the incomes of 154,225 poor people, 50 per cent of whom were…
Genesis Analytics was commissioned by DAI to develop case studies for the Market Development in the Niger Delta (MADE) programme’s access to finance, agricultural inputs…
Rearing local breeds of chicken is a typical activity of rural households across Nigeria, including in the Niger Delta. Approximately 3 million households keep local…
Demand for chicken meat and eggs in Nigeria is substantial and growing at more than 20% per annum as incomes rise and new marketing outlets…
Traditional poultry production is an important agricultural activity of most rural communities in the world where they are kept by the rural poor for meat,…
One of the major challenges encountered by Smallholder Poultry Farmers (SHF) in poultry production in Nigeria is the incessant case of preventable bird diseases accounting…
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In order to encourage local production of palm oil, the Federal Government of Nigeria has a 35% tariff on imported palm oil in place. Through…
Palm oil is an important product used for food and industrial purposes such as vegetable oil, margarines, seasoning for noodles, confectionery as well as personal…
Palm Oil production in Nigeria has experienced decline from the 1960’s when the country was producing 45% of the global output to a current output…
Market Development for the Niger Delta (MADE), a project funded by the Department for International Development (DFID) commissioned this mapping of oil palm clusters to…
Loading… Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab DOWNLOAD Good Agricultural Practice for Maize Farming IEC Bill (423 downloads )
This’ lessons learned’ document seeks to encapsulate the hopes for the future, the concerns of the present and the experiences of the past, to broaden…
The MADE Gender Talk Group (GTG) is designed to be a gender forum or discussion group of gender champions (women and men) discussing issues inhibiting…
MARKET Development for the Niger Delta (MADE) is a UK Department for International Development (DFID) funded development programme, that uses the ‘making markets work for…