Presentation – TAG Learning Event
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NAEC Learning Event MADE Brief Presentation
Market Development in the Niger Delta (MADE) is a 2 year design and implement M4P programme implemented by DAI and supported by UK Department for…
MADE PIND SPCOFAC Learning Event Presentation
Delivery Strategies for Market Systems Development Programmes: Deepening the Pool of Commercial Driven Extension Service Providers and Local Co-facilitators. Loading… Taking too long? Reload…
MADE Close out Dissemination Port Harcourt
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Lessons on Implementation of MADE Programme M&E Strategy
Market Development Programme in the Niger Delta – Phase Two (MADE II) is a follow-on programme to DFID funded initial 4.5-year, design and implement Market…
Gender Learning Event presentation
MADE programme uses the ‘Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P) approach to facilitates change in market systems to benefit the poor at much greater…
Feed Finishing Presentation for Learning Event
MADE sought to change the Knowledge, attitude and present practices of feed companies, service providers and Agripreneurs to bridge this supply gap, improve productivity, increase…
ESIP Overview -Skills Development and learnings
The Skills Development intervention is focused on developing and strengthening the capacity of Partners and service providers engaged in skills development activities in the states…
ESIP Learning event presentation
Increase Edo State’s capacity to provide aspirational economic opportunities that can increase the incomes of returnees and PVHT. Loading… Taking too long? Reload document |…
ESIP Close out – Dissemination – Results
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Vulnerable Groups Assessment and Gender Analysis of Human Trafficking High Risk Communities in Edo State
the Market Development commissioned this assessment for the Niger Delta (MADE). The objectives of the assessment are to conduct a deeper assessment of vulnerable groups…