The COVID-19 lockdown is not an excuse for gender-based violence.
Are you concerned about the reported rise in violence against women and girls because of the COVID-19 lookdowns? The Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) filter on our Partners for Peace (P4P) Online Peace Map helps to us to track and report violence affecting women and girls across all aspects of human security in the Niger Delta. Visit the Peace Map to learn about drivers of VAWG in the region and how you can intervene to prevent/mitigate it – everybody can do something to stop violence against women and girls even during a lockdown.
PIND through its Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) filter on the online Peace Map platform, tracks and reports violence affecting women and girls across all aspects of human security in the Niger Delta. Data from the VAWG observatory have helped in significant ways to break the culture of silence and increase the level of reporting and awareness on issues of violence affecting women and girls. The VAWG information helps to inform policy advocacy and decision making by government, security agencies, private sector and development organizations and to influence interventions in specific or key thematic drivers of VAWG/Gender Based Violence (GBV).