Throughout the third quarter of 2012, the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) made significant progress in ramping up existing projects and getting new ones underway. Several of the key milestones in the quarter included PIND’s signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency (RSSDA) to jointly plan, implement, and coordinate programs and projects focused on economic development and capacity building, the completion of the first CAPABLE series of training modules with twenty participants in partnership with the Crown Agents Foundation, and the successful piloting of the bio-sand filter in the Niger Delta’s Dodo River community to improve community members’ access to clean water. In addition, PIND also signed an MoU with the Brooking Institution’s Africa Growth Initiative (AGI) to partner on the Models of Development and Experiential Learning (MODEL) project and received a Niger Delta Achievers’ Merit Award (NDAMA) for the Foundation’s work in partnerships to promote economic growth and development within the Niger Delta. We invite you to learn more about these and other recent PIND achievements in the foundation’s third quarter report.