Within 5 years, the cocoa industry in the Niger Delta will be characterized by improved linkages and communicaons between smallholder farmers and the processors and exporters, with common mutual incenves. The industry will have a strong supporng services providers delivering the inputs, extension, and technologies that smallholder farmers need to upgrade leading to increasing producvity and higher quality cocoa to meet market demand resulng in higher income for farmers
[wp_mb_plugin_download instance=”1″ password=”” buttonname=”Download” name=”Characteristics of the Nigerian Cocoa Industry” datetime=”May 22, 2019 – 12:44 pm” other=”v.1.7 (PIND)” atagseo=”tag”]https://pindfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Cocoa-Facts.pdf[/wp_mb_plugin_download]