Rethinking Donor Funding and Impact Investment Strategies: A Call for Integration in the Niger Delta

By Tunji Idowu In exploring the dynamic landscape of global funding, grants, and impact investing, a comprehensive view emerges that emphasizes the critical need for collaboration and innovative approaches. The traditional models of grants and the increasingly emerging trends in impact investing are key players in addressing social and environmental challenges, aligning with the values…

An Analysis of Ondo State Labour Market Assessment

The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) has, since the third quarter of 2017, implemented the Niger Delta Youth Employments Pathways Project (NDYEP) which aims to address some of the workforce development challenges that hinder marginalized youth from entry into the labour force and opportunities for decent work. The pilot phase of…

Contributing to the Expansion of the Cocoa Sector in Nigeria

As part of their contribution to expanding and improving cocoa production in Nigeria, the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) and the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), on November 8, 2022, onboarded and certified 14 cocoa seed nursery operators at CRIN’s headquarters in Ibadan, Oyo State. PIND’s Executive Director, Tunji Idowu,…

Understanding and implementing Cocoa Traceability systems – Perspectives from the Nigerian Cocoa Sustainability sector

Invitation to Participate in the quarterly Cocoa sustainability webinar on the  23rd of November, 2022. We write to cordially invite you to participate in the quarterly cocoa sustainability webinar, scheduled for 23 rd of November, 2022. The central theme of this edition is, “Implementing cocoa sustainability systems in Nigeria”. This webinar edition is being organized…

Perception Study to Evidence The Impacts of PIND’s Peace building Program in the Niger Delta 2020-2021

This study aimed to ascertain how PIND, through its Peacebuilding (PB) Program has impacted in contribung to a more peaceful, secure and safe environment that enables economic development in Nigeria’s Niger Delta region. It also provides data for one of the key metrics of PIND’s Peacebuilding Program: a measure of the “populaon that feel safe…