PIND Foundation’s Initiatives to Improve Vaccine Accessibility in the Niger Delta Poultry Sector

The poultry industry is a crucial and viable subsector of the Nigerian agricultural sector, contributing 20-25% of the agricultural GDP and providing employment for approximately 20 million people, both directly and indirectly. However, the poultry sector faces persistent challenges, particularly the threat of infectious diseases that can devastate poultry stocks and undermine economic stability. Diseases…

World MSME Day: PIND’s Contribution to MSME Development in the Niger Delta region

The Niger Delta region is home to a diverse range of resilient Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) spanning agriculture, manufacturing, services, and technology. These businesses form the backbone of our local economy, providing jobs, fostering innovation, and driving sustainable development.   Recognizing the crucial role MSMEs play in the economic fabric of the region,…

Terms Of Reference (TOR) For Consultant Engagement: A Scoping Study On Access To Technical & Business Development Services In The Niger Delta

CLOSED: PROJECT BACKGROUND: PIND’s Market Development project is a vital initiative focused on strengthening agricultural productivity and uplifting the economic status of farmers and small enterprises across the diverse landscapes of the Niger Delta region. Through the adoption of a market systems development (MSD) approach, the project strategically targets the root causes of market under-performance,…

Terms Of Reference (TOR) For Consultant Engagement: Scoping Study On Access To Industrial Market And Agricultural Technology

CLOSED: PROJECT BACKGROUND: PIND’s Market Development project is a vital initiative focused on strengthening agricultural productivity and uplifting the economic status of farmers and small enterprises across the diverse landscapes of the Niger Delta region. Through the adoption of a market systems development (MSD) approach, the project strategically targets the root causes of market underperformance,…

PIND’s Climate-Smart Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Training Manuals

Over the years, The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) has been at the forefront of empowering farmers, reaching out to more than 989,825 farmers & micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the Niger Delta region with essential knowledge on best practices and technological advancements in agriculture.   In line with…

PIND Trains 90 Youths in its 2024 Cohort of the Niger Delta Peace Champions Program

Conflicts continue to remain the key limitations to peace and growth in the Niger Delta. This calls for more coordinated, operational-level support through grassroots-based peacebuilding and conflict early warning systems that can respond quickly in a targeted manner to rapidly changing conflict dynamics and longer-term peacebuilding needs. Given this, the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in…

Training Manual on Climate Smart Poultry Practices

This teaching manual has been painstakingly compiled to address the significant issues involved in poultry production for all categories of trainees/learners who wish to be involved in the poultry value chain. I encourage all who use it to do so with the mindset that agriculture is a goldmine and the way forward for us as a nation. God bless Nigeria. – Avwerosuoghene Okorodudu (PhD. RAS)

Spotlight on PIND’s Innovative Approach to Conflict Resolution in the Niger Delta

The Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND), in its efforts to enhance access to renewable energy services in the Niger Delta, collaborated with the U.S. Government-led Power Africa Health Electrification and Telecommunications Alliance (HETA) to electrify at least 10,000 healthcare centers in Africa through decentralized renewable energy resources.   Through this intervention, PIND, in…

PIND Collaborates with USAID to Power Healthcare Centers in the Niger Delta

The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) is collaborating with the U.S. Government-led Power Africa Health Electrification and Telecommunications Alliance (HETA) to facilitate access to renewable energy for healthcare centers in the Niger Delta. HETA is an ambitious project by Power Africa geared at electrifying up to 10,000 healthcare centers in Africa…

Illuminating Hope: Empowering the Niger Delta with Sustainable Access to Electricity

By Anthony Osibajo The energy crisis in Nigeria, particularly in the Niger Delta, poses a significant challenge due to the glaring contrast between the potential for power generation and the actual supply. This issue affects over 200 million people, leaving them without sufficient electricity. According to the World Bank’s 2022 Energy Progress Report, Nigeria has…