A Neutral Name and Peace Returns

“My name is Dr. Jeffery Wilkie, the co-chairman of the Warri Multi-Stakeholder Platform (MSP). So far, through the Warri MSP (which is a brainchild of PIND), we have been able to get experience and build capacity in conflict management—which we applied in circumstances that unfolded between the Ijaw and the Itsekiri in the three (3) Warri local government areas of Delta State (Warri North, Warri South, and Warri South-West) over the naming of the location where a new oil facility sited on a boundary land owned by the two (2) ethnic groups.

An Eye for Potential Volunteers: Insight from Wariboko’s Peacebuilding Story

People’s orientation, outlook and attitude to peace contribute significantly to the scale of violent conflict, its management and sustaining a peaceful environment. So members of the Partners for Peace (P4P) Network invest a significant portion of their time working on improving people’s knowledge, attitude and practices about peace using various approaches. Tamunomie Wariboko, a Network…

He always comes to our rescue: How volunteers are bringing peace to the Niger Delta

Founded in 1940s by missionaries, Baptist High School in Borokiri area of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, was all-boys until 2006 when it turned coeducational. But having girls in the school poses a greater security challenge to the school administrators. “With all the cult activities, most of the youths will like to come to our school…

SUCCESS STORY: P4P Restores Peace between Two Warring Communities.

An over 50 year old land boundary dispute between two neighboring communities, Igbidi and Okpolo-Enweh in Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State resurged into fresh conflict in June 2017. Both communities are predominantly food crop and fish farmers, with people coming from other towns to buy proceeds from the women.  The conflict brought everything to a halt, along with loss of lives and living on the edge of anxiety.