PIND Peacebuilding EWER System

Over the years, PIND has positioned itself to play a key role in peaceful elections in the Niger Delta region. We do this by deploying the community-driven Early Warning Early Response (EWER) system Early Warning Early Response (EWER) system to provide a Niger Delta Conflict update. The importance of this update in stemming electoral violence cannot be overemphasized;…

Request for Applications – Internship to support NDLink and other PIND Advocacy Objectives

CLOSED: PURPOSE OF THE ASSIGNMENT The intern shall provide technical support in the daily management and marketing of the NDLink website and social media platforms. The intern will support PIND’s general Advocacy interventions and activities aimed at removing constraints to economic development and peace in the Niger Delta region. SCOPE OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES Five new…

PIND 2023 Q3 Progress Report

PIND 2023 Q3 Progress Report This third quarter (July – September 2023) report is intended to keep our donors, Board of Trustees, and partners aware of project achievements and constraints, share lessons learned and seek deeper level of collaborations to consolidate our impact, and advance our collective effort on business development and sustainability. Also, to…

Request for Application – Engagement of Organizations to Conduct Technical, Vocational, and Soft Skills Training, Mentorship & Job Linkage in Ondo State

CLOSED: PIND is seeking to engage institutions or organizations to provide technical vocational and soft skills training and mentorship to selected youth participants under PIND’s Youth Employment Program (YEP) in Ondo State, including selected Coastal communities. The technical training will be in the area of competence in Agriculture, Building Construction, ICT, Trade and Services, or…

Call for Articles! PIND Commemorates International Youth Day 2023

The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) is committed to promoting equitable economic development and peace in the Niger Delta through partnerships. Given the theme of the 2023 IYD, PIND facilitates access to alternative and affordable off-grid energy solutions for rural enterprises and households, using a sustainability delivery model that ensures long-term…