SUCCESS STORY: Veronica’s Story: From Subsistence To Commercial Farmer

Aladinma Umukabia Ogodo Multi-purpose cooperative society is an association of over 200 women cassava farmers operating in Imo State. These women come together to help each other pursue economic prosperity for a simple reason: to take better care of their children. Veronica Njoku is the Vice President of the Association.

SUCCESS STORY: New Processing Technology Boosts Yield for Stanley

Stanley Agbuebu has been a palm oil processor in Imo State for more than 20 years.
‘’I started from using the local mill’’ he recalls. ‘’We cook the palm fruits ten foot from the ground. From there we will call people that will carry it to the place that they are going to digest it. From digestion, we proceed to where we will process it and from there we will extract our oil. It is labor intensive, and the cost is too much’’.


When Youth Alive Foundation (YAF) relocated from Lagos to Akwa Ibom State, Uddy Okon, the Executive Director said it was like starting a new Niger Delta grown organization from the scratch. She had to recruit new staff who didn’t have enough skills to support projects. As she was weighing how to solve the problem, she learnt about the PIND Capacity Building for Local Empowerment (CAPABLE) institutional and technical training opportunity for regional non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like herself.

Identifying Pathways to Youth Employment in the Niger Delta: An Analysis of Abia, Akwa Ibom and Rivers States

PIND and its partner, Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI), conducted a labour market assessment for youth employment in Abia, Akwa Ibom and Rivers States, to map the community of stakeholders concerned with youth unemployment within Abia, Akwa Ibom and Rivers States, showing their key constraints and explaining national and subnational economic, demographic, and social trends impacting…