Using Market Systems Development Approach to Stimulate Livelihood Opportunities and Reduce Human Trafficking in Edo State

Trafficking in human beings, a form of modern-day slavery, involves the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain, and is a $150 billion global industry generated by forced economic exploitation of people for commercial sex, domestic work, or other economic activity. It is the result of forced economic exploitation of people for commercial…

Tools for Increasing Gender and Social Inclusion in Market Systems-Led Programmes

This’ lessons learned’ document seeks to encapsulate the hopes for the future, the concerns of the present and the experiences of the past, to broaden the worthy efforts of both the MADE I & II interventions on a larger scale that the Niger Delta region requires. Recommendations discussed in depth at the conclusion of this…

2019 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence in the Niger Delta

The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) in November 2019 joined the International Community on a 16-day campaign against Gender Based Violence (GBV). PIND, through a competitive process, awarded small grants to four Niger Delta organizations in Akwa-Ibom, Delta, Edo and Rivers States to implement activities in commemoration of the global event.