Characteristics of the Nigerian Cocoa Industry – FACTSHEET

Within 5 years, the cocoa industry in the Niger Delta will be characterized by improved linkages and communicaons between smallholder farmers and the processors and exporters, with common mutual incenves. The industry will have a strong supporng services providers delivering the inputs, extension, and technologies that smallholder farmers need to upgrade leading to increasing producvity…

Exploring short, medium and long term plans for improving productivity of the Nigerian cocoa sector

Great opportunities exist in the Nigerian cocoa sector but persistent low productivity, absence of institutional control and administrative inefficiencies in the sector are resulting in low profitability for farmers. The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND Foundation) will be organizing a Cocoa Stakeholders’ Roundtable in Akure, Ondo State on May 23, 2019…

Cocoa Value Chain In The Niger Delta: A New Look At The Opportunities For Investment

As Nigeria’s Cocoa production and export began to increase in 2017, the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) carried out a value chain study of the sector between January and April 2018. The findings from the study will be validated with stakeholders including farmers, intermediate and final processors, aggregators, exporters, Business Membership…