Cocoa Value Chain In The Niger Delta: A New Look At The Opportunities For Investment

As Nigeria’s Cocoa production and export began to increase in 2017, the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) carried out a value chain study of the sector between January and April 2018. The findings from the study will be validated with stakeholders including farmers, intermediate and final processors, aggregators, exporters, Business Membership…

Business Skills for Farmers in Cross River State

PIND is facilitating a Nigeria Agricultural Enterprise Curriculum (NAEC) training for farmers in Qua Odukpani in Cross River State. The training which started yesterday (March 28, 2018), is designed to improve the business skills of farmers so that they can keep records, plan their cash flow processes and farming activity for increased income. PIND had…

Delta State Agricultural Policy Development

  PIND’s Partnership and Engagement Manager, Sylvester Okoh (Middle), joined the Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Emmanuel Tibi (on Sylvester’s left in white), and the Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources in Delta State, Austin Chikeze (in brown on Sylvester’s right), to inaugurate the committee which will be charting viable policies for agricultural development in…