Agricultural Input Case Study

Genesis Analytics was commissioned by DAI to develop case studies for the Market Development in the Niger Delta (MADE) programme’s access to finance, agricultural inputs and gender interventions. The objective of the case studies was to chronicle the intervention story in detail – how the programme explored the entry points, failed pilots, non-attractive value propositions,…

Community Empowerment and Development Initiative (CEDI)

Community Empowerment and Development Initiative CEDI is working to ensure the rights of women are protected through series of human rights training and capacity building initiatives.   The activities implemented by CEDI to commemorate the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence, with support from PIND, were geared towards increasing the consciousness of young…

Girls Got It

Girls Got It was one of the recipients of the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND)’s grant to address issues related to gender based violence. Girls Got It project was designed to address investment failure to reach vulnerable girls in the poorest communities who have been cut off from mainstream programmes and…