The organization(s) will develop a structured vocational curriculum that will enhance the skill set of the participants. The selected institution should also have the capacity to deliver soft-skills training to strengthen participants’ mindsets and behavior. At the end of the vocational and soft-skills training, selected institutions will be responsible for linking successful participants with opportunities for employment or supporting them to start their own enterprises as this is a key component of the NDYEP model adopted in the program.
The key activities to be covered under the engagement are as follows:
- Curriculum Development & Work Planning: For any of the selected sectors (Agriculture; Building Construction, ICT or other identified skill areas for the coastal communities), the institution will develop or adapt already developed curriculum in the vocational trade area selected. The curriculum should meet minimum national trade skill requirement and should be sufficient to enhance capacity of participants and career development in the selected trade. The curriculum should span a training period of about 6 months and should include both classroom theoretical and hands-on practical training. The curriculum should be simplified for the understanding of young school leavers who will be part of the target participants.
- Technical Vocational / Soft-Skill Training: The institution should have the capacity (competent human resources and facilities) to undertake the technical vocational training for the specified period in the selected trade. The institution should be independent and in complete or significant control of the career development process of selected participants. The training team should also have the capacity to influence the positive formation of mindsets and behaviour of youth participants to support and enhance their technical vocational skills training in any of the four states. The training will last a minimum of 6 months depending on the selected trade.
- Job Linkages and Enterprise Development Support: The implementing institution or organization will explore opportunities and link successful participants to waged employment. An alternate pathway for participants who seek to develop their enterprises will be supported by implementing organization through a structured enterprise development program. The program WILL NOT offer starter-packs to any participant or group.
- Report on the Assignment: The implementing institution or organization will make periodic reports on the progress of the assignment. Three (3) copies of the adapted curriculum, trainers’ manual and participants’ handbook for reference will be printed as well as 2 copies of report on the entire assignment.
- Primary focus on young school leavers between ages 16 and 30, including the vulnerable and disadvantaged (rural, women and people with disabilities or from coastal communities).
- Existing (skills upgrade) and new youth entrants in the selected sector.
- Semi-skilled workers for upskilling within the selected sectors and trades
Good afternoon, we are a solar company here in Ore, Ondo state. we saw the PINDFOUNDATION grant and we are very much interested in training alot of youth in this environment and to also make sure they get employed as we are also going to retain the outstanding ones among them with very decent salary. Please let me know what it entails and all the eligibility for this grant
Do you have room for internship/ volunteering?
Yes, we do. Please follow us on our social media handles and also check our internship page ( for the latest opportunities.