Biosand Filter

Statistics show that 65 percent of the over 30 million people in the Niger Delta live in villages and generally rural communities without access to safe potable water, therefore resorting to unhygienic methods of ‘purifying’ polluted water for drinking. Many communities across the Niger Delta struggle with disease due to unsafe water; every 20 seconds…

Mainstreaming Peacebuilding in WASH

Project Description On September 1st, 2015 the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) signed a partnership agreement with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to improve water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programs’ responsiveness to conflict in the Niger Delta. As a result of this agreement, UNICEF and PIND are collaborating a five-month…


ADVOCACYPROJECT OVERVIEW: Through Advocacy, PIND carries out initiatives to influence the government to put concrete long-term plans in place to see sustainability in its efforts to reduce poverty in the Niger Delta. As part of its mandate to strengthen partnerships with the government, PIND has worked to influence government expenditure, planning, and funding of projects.…

Capacity Building

CAPACITY BUILDINGPROJECT OVERVIEW: Capacity Building as one of PIND’s key enablers is positioned to strengthen institutional and technical capacity of networks, organizations, and Business associations, service providers and individuals working with PIND’s Economic Development and Peace Building Programs. The Capacity Building portfolio of PIND provides organizational development and institutional strengthening assistance to a wide range of stakeholders…


COMMUNICATIONSPROJECT OVERVIEW: PIND’s communication activities aim to increase the visibility of the Foundation by getting people to know about PIND, talk about PIND, and engage with PIND, to strengthen its reputation and attract target stakeholders to support PIND’s cause, partner with PIND, fund PIND’s programs and replicate PIND’s proven models. OUR RESULTS 29.4 million people…