Contact Us

Contact Us The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) is interested in working with diverse partners from around the world to address development challenges facing the people of the Niger River Delta Region of Nigeria. Partners must be interested in engaging in long-term work that transforms the fundamental socio-economics of the region.…

Scoping Study of the Niger Delta Electricity Value Chain

The goals of this study are to inform future potential NDPI and PIND programming in the Niger Delta power sector through investigating, analyzing, and drawing conclusions on the sector’s fundamental dynamics in relation to the national grid and formal privatization context, off grid solutions, and self-generation. Where might there be opportunities for new approaches, business…

PIND 2012 Annual Report: Laying a Firm Foundation for Change in the Niger Delta

Throughout 2012, PIND continued establishing partnerships that go beyond simply leveraging resources. This fundamental principle was demonstrated with the launch of the Economic Development Center (EDC) in Warri as a resource and coordination hub for PIND, other donors and local implementing partners to jointly research, design and implement development programs. Significant progress was also made…